Matt Chandler has a video on youtube called "de-churched". It's pretty short, but very important for us to hear and understand in this age. So many young people are leaving the church after they graduate high school. Moralistic Deism is one reason.
Chandler defines Moralistic Deism as the belief we've all been taught in Sunday School, that there is a prescribed order....don't do these things, i.e., sex, drugs, alcohol, R movies, curse, etc. Don't do this, do this--making your Christianity all about your behavior and whether or not you can act in a way that is pleasing to God. Are you moral enough to fit into "God's box"? Do you measure up to the standard--don't lie, don't cheat, don't curse, don't even look with lust at another, don't hate your brother, on and on...
So we grow up trying to live up to this standard and some of us have mild success and begin to feel good about ourselves and believe we are finally getting our spiritual lives in order, based on our moral success. Then let something bad happen...divorce, not getting into the school we wanted to get into, a hard break-up, or lost job.
This leads many of us to throw our hands in the air, mad that God would do this to us since we are living so hard to please Him. So we walk away--thinking God is unjust, unloving, and uncaring--all counter to His true nature. But because we only have a relationship based on how well we kept the commandments, we are not in touch with His true nature of unconditional love, mercy and grace.
I can't measure up to this moral standard. My life is not ate up with sin, but I'm also not capable of living such a clean life. That is why Jesus came. He knew that without His righteousness, I would never be acceptable before my God and King. So His blood covers the multitude of my sins and when God looks at me He see's the righteousness of Jesus.
Morality does not transform. Morality is only momentarily achieved by any of us. And if I spend my life focused on all the rules, then I am more governed by the law than by love, and Christ came to fulfill the law so that love would rule--chiefly--the Love of Christ!! My morality, any morality, no measure of morality transforms humanity. It is only the love of Christ Jesus that transforms our heart, life, soul, and spirit. And it is this love that woos and draws and fascinates the hearts of lovers to live for Jesus with joy, passion, and fiery persistence.
Moralistic Deism has taught us that if we are good, God will watch out for us and we will never have to go through hard times. There are several places in scripture that say we should plan for hard times and not be surprised by them, even welcome them. It is because I know that the love of Christ is present in my life that I pursue righteous living. And when I fail at righteousness, I know that God's love for me never waivers.
My immaturity, and my rebellion are the reasons I need Jesus so deeply. And through my daily interactions with Jesus I learn of His never-ending love, forgiveness and provision for my life. I want to please my God with my choices, but when I don't I am confident that is love is unwavering toward me.
I'm new to this whole blog deal, so keep that in mind. Feel free to share your thoughts.