Friday, March 16, 2012

Leanning on My Savior

This week has been a week.  Let's just say that I've been through the wringer.  Feeling the strangling power of the enemies attack. 

On my 35 year journey of faith , I've found myself here many times.  And I still get overwhelmed and amazed when God shows up with undeserved, unmerited, grace filled, mercy overflowing, reconciliation, faithful, redemption power. 

Just 54 hours ago chaos and trouble overwhelmed me, as I sat talking with my pastor about the struggles I was facing.  We laughed and shared, both veterans in ministry, sometimes laughing is all you can do--or at least that is what I choose to do. 

I'm a verbal processor so I'd shared with my husband and a trusted friend the issues I was facing and then I called on several of my prayer warrior friends.  Then I hit play on my worship the only God who has the power to deliver me from the miry clay and the quick sand that would encompass and swallow me whole...were it not for My Savior's Victory already won!!!! 

Jesus Culture's new album Awakening...was like water to my parched soul.  And the words of worship led me straight into peace...peace in the midst of the storm.  And I leaned.  I leaned into the chest of my Savior just like John the beloved disciple at the last supper.  And I leaned with a heart beat of anxiousness and fear of the unknown.  And I leaned knowing that my Savior is faithful.  And I leaned knowing that He would carry me no matter the outcome.  And I leaned worshiping and praising my faithful beloved.

As I entered the room, filled with my unknown fate, overwhelmed with anxiety, I leaned.  Trusting the only one I can in moments like these, I just breathed a quivering breath and waited for Him to make Himself known.

And in the very first words spoken, peace entered the room.  I was surprised and why?  Why?  Just 48 hours before there was no peace.  And now...peace.  And surprise.  Why?  That is consistently how my Savior works and I so easily forget to remember the countless ways He covers me and moves on my behalf.  All those in the room that day had been on their knees intently before the Lord, crying out for His will to be done...and it was.  That is how it is supposed to be.  Us crying out, before the Lord, seeking His heart, then coming together, and seeing His demeanor take over the room, watching His demeanor of Love transform our hearts into the likeness of His.

I thank my Savior for being the one I lean on.  I thank my Savior that my brothers and sisters lean on Him as well.  And I thank my Savior for showing His faithfulness to all of us simultaneously by doing supernatural miracles among us as we all encountered Jesus in the words and grace of one another.  I celebrate this week as an amazing Victory in my life as a minister of the gospel.  I celebrate the presence and power of My Savior who is ever moving and working in the hearts of His children.  And I thank God for the overwhelming sense of peace that I had as a result of the miraculous work God did in us and among us in that moment.  Praise Jesus!  The King of Kings.  The Lord of Lords.  The Victor over all creation.  The Savior of my heart and the one I lean on!!!