Being a good mom is so important to me. I had a "good mom" moment today. My youngest daughter and I went to the YMCA to swim. Packing the bag of items we would need to go swimming was an adventure all its own.
Goggles are an essential tool when swimming. The hunt for the goggles is always a fun search...not. My girls find it impossible to put things back in their proper place after use. And it often becomes my fault when they cannot find them.
I encouraged my youngest to begin the search. She opened the closet, looked in and said, "I cant find them." I reply with, "well you have to move a few things around." Uncharacteristically and to my great surprise, she begins dismantling the whole closet in search for the missing goggles. She even retrieves the ladder from the basement to assist in her search. She finds some fun things but not the goggles.
I do a quick search and come up with a win. We pack our bag and we are off...leaving my older daughter home to finish her homework.
Once at the pool she was in the water in a flash. We came during the lap swim time. She proudly boasted of swimming laps when she went to the pool in Kansas over Thanksgiving break with her grandparents, while I went shopping. She was already 3 laps in when I finally got into the pool and got used to the water.
She was so cute. She was determined to get to wall first every time I set off to swim a lap across the pool. I've seen her competitiveness come out when she cheats to win a game or something. But tonight she was really pushing herself and succeeding. Not that I'm a great swimmer, but I wasn't going easy on her.
We only raced for real on two laps, which she won. The whole night, I only beat her across once.
She talked to me about how much she loved the water. I listened and realized that I never really knew how much she loved the water and swimming before that moment. I mean all kids like playing in water, right. But there is something more to her love for the water than just a kids love. That was a rich moment I will never forget.
We were in the lanes for 90 minutes swimming, talking, racing, learning. And the whole time we are both having a blast. She's smiling and cherishing every moment. And I'm so happy I chose to do this with her instead of waste a night in front of the TV or computer.
I get so busy and self absorbed that I forget how much moments like these mean to me and to my girls. How are you supposed to do everything and still have energy for moments like these? My husband and my children suffer when I'm busy. And when I'm busy giving myself to my job, or my volunteer work, or cocahing volleyball, I don't have much left to give to my my family gets the least of me. I don't like that and I know they don't like it either.
With volleyball over, it's the first time in 4 months we can breathe, individually and as a family. My youngest daughter has such a strong sense of family and the need for us to spend time together. Even at her young age she pays attention and directs us on ways to be together. And I love this quality in her that draws us together.
We are an independent family--valuing our independence over one another. Why do we do that? Who has taught us to be so self absorbed and consumed? ##&*&@!@###
Tonight, it was my idea to go swimming. That may be the only reason I was so willing to go. I'm ashamed to admit that, but it's true. I've been praying consistently for weeks that God would help me focus more on my family and less on myself. I can be very selfish with my time. I think God is helping me see how my own selfishness has contributed to some of the issues my daughters are having in their tween and teen years.
They've learned from me to think selfishly. I still have time to help them learn what it's like to think unselfishly. And it's moments like tonight at the pool that remind me that it's not to late for me to change.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to turn my heart away from selfishness. Lord Jesus help me to value my family over myself. Forgive me for being so self absorbed and selfish with my time. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear the needs of my family. Strengthen my resolve to meet their heart felt needs. Change my heart so that I put them first.
I still have a lot to learn as a mother.
Tonight I learned that I have a daughter who loves to swim laps. She loves to win when she swims laps. Being in the water brings her great joy. I learned that time with my daughter at the pool, swimming laps, is the best way to spend my time on a Monday night like tonight. May there be many more laps to follow!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Moralistic Deism vs The Love of Jesus
Matt Chandler has a video on youtube called "de-churched". It's pretty short, but very important for us to hear and understand in this age. So many young people are leaving the church after they graduate high school. Moralistic Deism is one reason.
Chandler defines Moralistic Deism as the belief we've all been taught in Sunday School, that there is a prescribed order....don't do these things, i.e., sex, drugs, alcohol, R movies, curse, etc. Don't do this, do this--making your Christianity all about your behavior and whether or not you can act in a way that is pleasing to God. Are you moral enough to fit into "God's box"? Do you measure up to the standard--don't lie, don't cheat, don't curse, don't even look with lust at another, don't hate your brother, on and on...
So we grow up trying to live up to this standard and some of us have mild success and begin to feel good about ourselves and believe we are finally getting our spiritual lives in order, based on our moral success. Then let something bad happen...divorce, not getting into the school we wanted to get into, a hard break-up, or lost job.
This leads many of us to throw our hands in the air, mad that God would do this to us since we are living so hard to please Him. So we walk away--thinking God is unjust, unloving, and uncaring--all counter to His true nature. But because we only have a relationship based on how well we kept the commandments, we are not in touch with His true nature of unconditional love, mercy and grace.
I can't measure up to this moral standard. My life is not ate up with sin, but I'm also not capable of living such a clean life. That is why Jesus came. He knew that without His righteousness, I would never be acceptable before my God and King. So His blood covers the multitude of my sins and when God looks at me He see's the righteousness of Jesus.
Morality does not transform. Morality is only momentarily achieved by any of us. And if I spend my life focused on all the rules, then I am more governed by the law than by love, and Christ came to fulfill the law so that love would rule--chiefly--the Love of Christ!! My morality, any morality, no measure of morality transforms humanity. It is only the love of Christ Jesus that transforms our heart, life, soul, and spirit. And it is this love that woos and draws and fascinates the hearts of lovers to live for Jesus with joy, passion, and fiery persistence.
Moralistic Deism has taught us that if we are good, God will watch out for us and we will never have to go through hard times. There are several places in scripture that say we should plan for hard times and not be surprised by them, even welcome them. It is because I know that the love of Christ is present in my life that I pursue righteous living. And when I fail at righteousness, I know that God's love for me never waivers.
My immaturity, and my rebellion are the reasons I need Jesus so deeply. And through my daily interactions with Jesus I learn of His never-ending love, forgiveness and provision for my life. I want to please my God with my choices, but when I don't I am confident that is love is unwavering toward me.
I'm new to this whole blog deal, so keep that in mind. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Chandler defines Moralistic Deism as the belief we've all been taught in Sunday School, that there is a prescribed order....don't do these things, i.e., sex, drugs, alcohol, R movies, curse, etc. Don't do this, do this--making your Christianity all about your behavior and whether or not you can act in a way that is pleasing to God. Are you moral enough to fit into "God's box"? Do you measure up to the standard--don't lie, don't cheat, don't curse, don't even look with lust at another, don't hate your brother, on and on...
So we grow up trying to live up to this standard and some of us have mild success and begin to feel good about ourselves and believe we are finally getting our spiritual lives in order, based on our moral success. Then let something bad happen...divorce, not getting into the school we wanted to get into, a hard break-up, or lost job.
This leads many of us to throw our hands in the air, mad that God would do this to us since we are living so hard to please Him. So we walk away--thinking God is unjust, unloving, and uncaring--all counter to His true nature. But because we only have a relationship based on how well we kept the commandments, we are not in touch with His true nature of unconditional love, mercy and grace.
I can't measure up to this moral standard. My life is not ate up with sin, but I'm also not capable of living such a clean life. That is why Jesus came. He knew that without His righteousness, I would never be acceptable before my God and King. So His blood covers the multitude of my sins and when God looks at me He see's the righteousness of Jesus.
Morality does not transform. Morality is only momentarily achieved by any of us. And if I spend my life focused on all the rules, then I am more governed by the law than by love, and Christ came to fulfill the law so that love would rule--chiefly--the Love of Christ!! My morality, any morality, no measure of morality transforms humanity. It is only the love of Christ Jesus that transforms our heart, life, soul, and spirit. And it is this love that woos and draws and fascinates the hearts of lovers to live for Jesus with joy, passion, and fiery persistence.
Moralistic Deism has taught us that if we are good, God will watch out for us and we will never have to go through hard times. There are several places in scripture that say we should plan for hard times and not be surprised by them, even welcome them. It is because I know that the love of Christ is present in my life that I pursue righteous living. And when I fail at righteousness, I know that God's love for me never waivers.
My immaturity, and my rebellion are the reasons I need Jesus so deeply. And through my daily interactions with Jesus I learn of His never-ending love, forgiveness and provision for my life. I want to please my God with my choices, but when I don't I am confident that is love is unwavering toward me.
I'm new to this whole blog deal, so keep that in mind. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Stand up and RUN!!
Retreat . . . I Mean. . .Charge!
A friend of my dad's received a National Medal of Honor for bravery in combat. He laughed as he told us what happened.
All of the soldiers were stuck in hiding. They were trying to get to the top of this hill and they hit a machine gun nest and some snipers that were just picking them apart. The gun fight was going and they were hiding in holes, behind trees, anywhere they could find. He made it farther up the hill than the rest of the group. This meant he was taking a lot more heat. He was running low on ammo and he decided that he was going to make a break for it and retreat back to where the others were.
He got psyched up knowing that this would probably not end well. He counted to three, jumped out of his hole and took off running. He took two steps and notice that the entire US Army was now running up the hill. So he turned around and ran up the hill too. The enemy was so shocked that they had not time to react. It was surrender or die.
The US Military took the hill and secured a very strategic location.
After things calmed down a little, the men started coming over to him shouting, "You are the craziest man I have ever seen." "I thought we were gonna die out there until you charged the hill."
Wait, "charged the hill?" Everyone thought that he jumped up to lead the charge. They were so excited that they followed him into battle. To this day they still think he rushed the machine gun nest. He never had the heart to tell them that he was high-tailing it out of there and they were confused.
Take a little scan of your friends. Do you have a lot who are Christians but they really don't take a stand? They'll still go drink and party. They still get into the sex stuff with whoever they are crushing on at the moment. They still don't dig too deep and too often into the word of God.
It may not be that they are just anti-committed. They may be waiting for someone to jump up and make a move. It may not take a huge move. Just take a stand for what is right, for what is God and you'll be amazed at how many people will follow you.
[[ David was just a teen who decided to take a stand. He went out with some rocks and a sling shot and put a giant on his back. And then watch what happened, "Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath and to the gates of Ekron. Their dead were strewn along the Shaaraim road to Gath and Ekron." I Samuel 17:52 One kid stood up and it gave these wimps the courage to be warriors. Take a stand.]]
This came from the daily devotion book: 97 Random Thoughts of Life Love and Relationships.
My Favorite Revivalist is Leonard Ravenhill--he says, "I'd rather have 10 who are hungry for God then 10,000 who aren't." Where are the 10? I want to be one of the 10 who stand and run, knowing the bullets will come, but not caring--just running, because it's the only thing that matters.
Who will run with me?
A friend of my dad's received a National Medal of Honor for bravery in combat. He laughed as he told us what happened.
All of the soldiers were stuck in hiding. They were trying to get to the top of this hill and they hit a machine gun nest and some snipers that were just picking them apart. The gun fight was going and they were hiding in holes, behind trees, anywhere they could find. He made it farther up the hill than the rest of the group. This meant he was taking a lot more heat. He was running low on ammo and he decided that he was going to make a break for it and retreat back to where the others were.
He got psyched up knowing that this would probably not end well. He counted to three, jumped out of his hole and took off running. He took two steps and notice that the entire US Army was now running up the hill. So he turned around and ran up the hill too. The enemy was so shocked that they had not time to react. It was surrender or die.
The US Military took the hill and secured a very strategic location.
After things calmed down a little, the men started coming over to him shouting, "You are the craziest man I have ever seen." "I thought we were gonna die out there until you charged the hill."
Wait, "charged the hill?" Everyone thought that he jumped up to lead the charge. They were so excited that they followed him into battle. To this day they still think he rushed the machine gun nest. He never had the heart to tell them that he was high-tailing it out of there and they were confused.
Take a little scan of your friends. Do you have a lot who are Christians but they really don't take a stand? They'll still go drink and party. They still get into the sex stuff with whoever they are crushing on at the moment. They still don't dig too deep and too often into the word of God.
It may not be that they are just anti-committed. They may be waiting for someone to jump up and make a move. It may not take a huge move. Just take a stand for what is right, for what is God and you'll be amazed at how many people will follow you.
[[ David was just a teen who decided to take a stand. He went out with some rocks and a sling shot and put a giant on his back. And then watch what happened, "Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath and to the gates of Ekron. Their dead were strewn along the Shaaraim road to Gath and Ekron." I Samuel 17:52 One kid stood up and it gave these wimps the courage to be warriors. Take a stand.]]
This came from the daily devotion book: 97 Random Thoughts of Life Love and Relationships.
My Favorite Revivalist is Leonard Ravenhill--he says, "I'd rather have 10 who are hungry for God then 10,000 who aren't." Where are the 10? I want to be one of the 10 who stand and run, knowing the bullets will come, but not caring--just running, because it's the only thing that matters.
Who will run with me?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Preventing Teen Pregnancy: Parent Facts & Tips
Preventing Teen Pregnancy: Parent Facts & Tips: "The U.S. has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the developed world...."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
To all the Youth Ministry Volunteers,
You are the key to ministry with teens. Your connection with the students is the way God communicates His love and acceptance. Never underestimate your value and importance. It takes many points of contact from men and women of God to impact and change the lives of teenagers and bring Glory to Jesus.
Every smile; every time you listen; every time you pay attention; share a hug; provide transportation or financial support; every time you laugh with a teenager; every time you share a tear; every single moment you invest in a teens life--God multiplies that investment and lives end up changed, including your own.
To all the Youth Ministry Volunteers,
You are the key to ministry with teens. Your connection with the students is the way God communicates His love and acceptance. Never underestimate your value and importance. It takes many points of contact from men and women of God to impact and change the lives of teenagers and bring Glory to Jesus.
Every smile; every time you listen; every time you pay attention; share a hug; provide transportation or financial support; every time you laugh with a teenager; every time you share a tear; every single moment you invest in a teens life--God multiplies that investment and lives end up changed, including your own.
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