Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stand up and RUN!!

Retreat . . . I Mean. . .Charge!
A friend of my dad's received a National Medal of Honor for bravery in combat. He laughed as he told us what happened.

All of the soldiers were stuck in hiding. They were trying to get to the top of this hill and they hit a machine gun nest and some snipers that were just picking them apart. The gun fight was going and they were hiding in holes, behind trees, anywhere they could find. He made it farther up the hill than the rest of the group. This meant he was taking a lot more heat. He was running low on ammo and he decided that he was going to make a break for it and retreat back to where the others were.

He got psyched up knowing that this would probably not end well. He counted to three, jumped out of his hole and took off running. He took two steps and notice that the entire US Army was now running up the hill. So he turned around and ran up the hill too. The enemy was so shocked that they had not time to react. It was surrender or die.

The US Military took the hill and secured a very strategic location.

After things calmed down a little, the men started coming over to him shouting, "You are the craziest man I have ever seen." "I thought we were gonna die out there until you charged the hill."

Wait, "charged the hill?" Everyone thought that he jumped up to lead the charge. They were so excited that they followed him into battle. To this day they still think he rushed the machine gun nest. He never had the heart to tell them that he was high-tailing it out of there and they were confused.

Take a little scan of your friends. Do you have a lot who are Christians but they really don't take a stand? They'll still go drink and party. They still get into the sex stuff with whoever they are crushing on at the moment. They still don't dig too deep and too often into the word of God.

It may not be that they are just anti-committed. They may be waiting for someone to jump up and make a move. It may not take a huge move. Just take a stand for what is right, for what is God and you'll be amazed at how many people will follow you.

[[ David was just a teen who decided to take a stand. He went out with some rocks and a sling shot and put a giant on his back. And then watch what happened, "Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath and to the gates of Ekron. Their dead were strewn along the Shaaraim road to Gath and Ekron." I Samuel 17:52 One kid stood up and it gave these wimps the courage to be warriors. Take a stand.]]

This came from the daily devotion book: 97 Random Thoughts of Life Love and Relationships.

My Favorite Revivalist is Leonard Ravenhill--he says, "I'd rather have 10 who are hungry for God then 10,000 who aren't."  Where are the 10?  I want to be one of the 10 who stand and run, knowing the bullets will come, but not caring--just running, because it's the only thing that matters. 

Who will run with me?

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